
Acute Injury

Acute Injury services offered in Spring, TX and serving the Cypress, Klein, Spring, Tomball, and The Woodlands communities

Acute Injury

Whether you’ve been injured playing sports, at work, in a motor vehicle accident, or at home, see the experts at Memorial Springs ER in Spring, Texas. The team provide acute injury care for children, teenagers, and adults. Schedule an evaluation by phone or online today, or walk into the office for prompt care. 

Acute Injury Q&A

What is an acute injury?

Acute injuries are those sustained unexpectedly from which your body eventually heals. Examples include strains, sprains, and fractures. You might develop an acute injury at work or school, playing sports, or simply doing everyday activities. Prompt treatment for acute injuries is vital to healing as quickly as possible.

What are examples of acute injuries?

Examples of acute injuries include:


Fractures are broken bones that may need medical attention to heal properly and effectively. You might break a bone at work, playing sports, or through a fall. 


Sprains occur when ligaments surrounding a joint get torn or stretched. Sprains are common sports injuries. 

Animal bites

Whether you’ve suffered a dog, spider, snake, or other animal bite, the Memorial Springs ER team can reduce pain and the risk of complications.

Insect bites/stings

Bee or other insect stings might lead to pain or an allergic reaction. The Memorial Springs ER experts can reduce bothersome or severe symptoms. 


If you need stitches or other wound care after sustaining a laceration (deep cut), the Memorial Springs ER team is available to help. 


The orthopedic experts at Memorial Springs ER promptly address painful joint dislocations to optimize healing. 


Treatment for minor burns can reduce pain, minimize scarring, and prevent complications. 


The Memorial Springs ER team takes head injuries seriously, providing swift and thorough evaluations and monitoring for worsening problems.

Fall injuries

Fractures, sprains, and other fall injuries are common, particularly in older adults. Treatment with Memorial Springs ER experts can reduce pain and maximize mobility while you heal. 

How is an acute injury treated?

Treatment for an acute injury depends on the type of injury you sustain and its severity. The Memorial Springs ER team discusses your symptoms, checks your vital signs, reviews your medical history, and completes a physical exam.

You might need on-site lab testing, X-rays, a CT scan or ultrasound, or other diagnostic procedures to diagnose an acute injury and effectively treat it.

You might need:

  • Oral or topical medications
  • Stitches
  • Bracing
  • Casting 
  • Allergy treatment
  • Fracture care
  • Wound care
  • Ice or heat packs
  • Orthopedic boots
  • Crutches, slings, or splints
  • Physical therapy

If you have a severe injury, illness, or disease, the Memorial Springs ER team may refer you to another specialist or inpatient hospital care. 

Schedule an appointment at Memorial Springs ER by phone or online today, or simply walk in if you have an acute injury.